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P022 SP-μSphereP022

SP-弱阳离子交换层析树脂 填料 凝胶 介质


P022 SP-μSphere  SP-聚合物微球,强阳离子交换树脂


SPμSphere is a strong cation exchanger based on the well established μSphere ion exchange platform, extensively used for preparative protein separations in both research and industrial applications.

  • Well-proven strong cation exchanger developed for industrial downstream processes.

  • Used extensively for capture and intermediate purification of a wide range of approved biopharmaceuticals

  • The industry standard for ion exchange chromatography during recent decades

  • High chemical stability allows for well proven CIP and sanitization protocols

  • The hydrophilic nature of the base matrix ensures low levels of non-specific binding leading to low levels of host cell-derived impurities in the elution pool.


 A New Generation of Matrix for Protein Purification Offers 3 High (3H)

 A New Standard and Criteria for Chromatography Media




       μSphere™微球是与Source相同的层析填料基材,是集高流速、高载量、高分辨率(3H)于一体的新一代蛋白纯化填料的基础材料。过去二十多年来,聚合物微球得到了极大发展并成功应用于生物物质分离和纯化。PAE开发的聚合物微球,简写μSphere™是用单分散高交联度聚丙烯酸酯微球为基材并在其表面加特殊涂层并接枝功能基团或配体制备的层析介质。传统的多糖基基材虽生物相容性好,但其骨架刚性低,在较高的压力下容易出现变形或者孔道的改变,影响纯化效率。μSphere™有效解决了琼脂糖骨架刚性低的问题,具有诸多更适于线性放大,加快工艺开发速度。不但适于实验室研究用样品的制备,而且是工业规模纯化蛋白、多肽、核酸、抗生素和低分子量药物不可回避的选择,且 PAE生产的用于生物大分子分离的微球为多孔的,有多种粒径和孔径,最大可达1000A,根须需求接上-OH,-COOH或-NH等基团,一边方便偶联其它配体或配基。粒径/孔径默认50mm,粒径800 Å。可按客户要求提供粒径15mm,30mm,100mm和孔径300、500和800的产品。


       μSphere是一种可精确控制孔径和粒径的单分布多孔微球体,其比表面积高达>500m2/g,用其制备的层析填料具有很高的功能基团密度,其动态载量极高。图1是NTA-μSphere和NTA-Sepharose FF对比15个His-标签蛋白的载量分布。图中蓝色柱代表NTA-μSphere对某样品的最大载量占NTA-Sepharose FF最大载量的倍数,红线是NTA-Sepharose FF的相对载量等高线,可见NTA-μSphere显著超过NTA-Sepharose FF。



      μSphere的粒径相对较小(50μm±5%)且分布相当均一,机械强度高,不易变形,因此分辨率明显高于糖基微球。图2是NTA-μSphere和NTA- Sepharose FF上样量等条件完全均一条件下的洗脱峰,显然,NTA-μSphere的峰形更”sharp”。


      除上述3H外,mSphere在pH1到14都是稳定的,因此可以用0.5 MNaOH甚至更高的碱浓度进行在位清洗(CIP)。碱液在位清洗是医用产品除热源以及杂蛋白的方法。




Source 15PS/DVB151~1410MPa900
Source 30PS/DVB301~14102000
MonoBeadsMonodisperse porous PS/DVB101~14101200
MiniBeadsMonodisperse PS/DVB3, non porous1~1410
Fast Flow6% cross-linked agarose45-165, avr. 902~130.3300
CaptoHighly cross-linked agarose with dextran surface extender90 (d50V)2~130.31200
HP6% cross-linked agarose24-44, avr. 341~140.3150
mSpherePolyacrylate or PS/DVB3, 10, 15, 30, 50, 1001~14101200~2000



P022 SP-μSphere


SPμSphere is a strong cation exchanger based on the well established μSphere ion exchange platform, extensively used for preparative protein separations in both research and industrial applications.

  • Well-proven strong cation exchanger developed for industrial downstream processes.

  • Used extensively for capture and intermediate purification of a wide range of approved biopharmaceuticals

  • The industry standard for ion exchange chromatography during recent decades

  • High chemical stability allows for well proven CIP and sanitization protocols

  • The hydrophilic nature of the base matrix ensures low levels of non-specific binding leading to low levels of host cell-derived impurities in the elution pool.

SP μSphere is part of the μSphere ion exchange platform, which has been the industrial standard for ion exchange chromatography during recent decades. It is composed of cross-linked, 6% polymer particles, with sulphopropyl (SP) strong cation exchange groups. SP μSphere has high chemical stability, allowing well proven cleaning-in-place (CIP) and sanitization protocols. Scale-up with SP μSphere is straight forward and the resin is available in a range of pre-packed process development tools.
As member of the BioProcess resin range, SP μSphere meets industrial demands with security of supply and comprehensive technical and regulatory support.

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